Hello everyone!
Year 2020 is in our rearview and we are glad it is over! Year 2021 gives us a fresh start and we at Degree T Shirts tend to make the most of it! While there will still be challenges to overcome (to many to start naming), standing strong in the face of setbacks and disappointment is what we encourage everyone to prepare for if you have not already. You are stronger than you realize! You will overcome the hurdles in front of you! People are helping people, businesses that can are helping businesses that can't. Stay encouraged regardless of your situation. This sounds impossible right now, but the year is only beginning. Things are going to get better. Think on the positive from time to time.
Degree T Shirts is committed to helping individuals find their voice! Wearing how you feel about a situation reveals what you care about and draws a line in the sand. This line sets the boundaries for others to take notice. People will know how you feel and where you stand whether your wearing humor or making a serious point (think climate change). Be you...do you!
Our most recognized days in this month, besides New Year's Day, are Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Jan 18) and Inauguration Day (Jan 20). Both days represent freedom and equality. Reflect on those things as we move forward into the year. On a lighter note, don't forget National Sticker Day (Jan 13), National Use Your Gift Card Day (Jan 16), National Popcorn Day (Jan 19), National Chocolate Cake Day (Jan 27) and National Puzzle Day (Jan 29) just to name a few fun dates to delight and bring encouragement.
We at Degree T Shirts appreciate Jan 21 representing "Get to Know Your Customers Day." We appreciate each and every soul that shops our store and want to know how to make the experience better for you! Drop a line at support@degreetshirts.com and allow us to get to know you better!
Degree T Shirts